Our God Comes In Glory. The Third Sunday in Advent. Worship: December 11, 2021
John the Baptist was a strong and confident man, loudly proclaiming that the Savior of the world had come. But then John was thrown in prison. Challenged and tested by that circumstance John asked for reassurance that indeed Jesus was the one they had been waiting for. Jesus sent John a message of hope and confidence that echoed back to the words of Isaiah the Prophet spoken 800 years earlier. Isaiah proclaims, “Our God comes in glory, He comes to save you.” God speaks this hope to us even now. He comes in glory for us to see.
The week’s Audio Service is a Repost from December 12, 2021.
Some people are preparing for one day of celebration on Christmas. But we are preparing for an eternity of celebration and rejoicing. The Creator of the whole universe heard our deepest yearning and desire and came himself to answer us. Perhaps the whole season of Advent is embodied in the hymn "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel." Since the seventh century these prayers have been sung in the days of Advent. They recount the promises God gave to His people before the coming of the Savior Messiah. They propel us forward to the day of Jesus' coming in glory on the Last Day. In this service we will pray these O Antiphons as our prayer for the day. In this we rejoice today and forever!
The Second Sunday of Advent. God Fulfills His Promise. Worship: December 4, 2022.
One man stands at the crossroads of God’s unfolding plan. In the past, God had made extraordinary promises. “Now,” said John the Baptist, “God is fulfilling His promises,” John tells us that those who hope for God will see Him, and even now, God is with us. In the spirit of Advent we sing of this great hope, God fulfills His promise.
The audio service is a rebroadcast from 12/5/2021.
A man named John the Baptist came out of nowhere to point toward Jesus. John made the radical claim that this carpenter from Nazareth was the promised Savior of all mankind. The way of God was opening. He would fill the world with His love. With His love everything can be saved and rescued. We celebrate that God has shown us His way of love. The way is clear for us. God reveals himself in all of His Glory.
The First Sunday of Advent. The King Is Coming! Worship: November 27, 2022
What do we do when an important guest is coming over to visit? We clean the house, prepare the dinner menu, put on nice clothes, and do many other things in anticipation. Beginning a new Church Year is also a time of getting ready. We prepare ourselves to welcome the King—our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who came in the flesh to His people. The Advent season is a time of preparation—to prepare ourselves to welcome Him who came humbly as a king by earthly standards, but is the eternal King of heaven and earth. We welcome Him with repentant hearts and an expectant spirit.
The First Sunday of Advent. The Light of the Savior Dawns. Worship: November 28, 2021
On this First Sunday in Advent we all become watchmen in the night. We long for the dawn light to come. Today as Advent begins we get in touch with the deep longing inside us for God to come and show Himself. This is our Watch Night. On our Advent wreath a single candle is lit today. We pray for God to reveal Himself as the One who is dressed in light, who comes to fight away the darkness, and show Himself in Glory to be triumphant
King Triumphant. Worship: November 20, 2022
Christ Jesus is King of King and Lord of Lords; that is what we celebrate on this Last Sunday of the church year. Already at His crucifixion Jesus could be called the conquering king for His victory over death. As time moves forward we are getting closer to the complete and ultimate recognition of Christ’s Kingship. We can live this day with hope and expectation because Christ is the King of all eternity.
This audio service is a rebroadcast from Jesus, The King. Worship, November 21, 2021.
When all is said and done Christ will stand in triumph over all things. He will make the wrongs and injustices right in the end. We put our faith not just in God’s love and mercy but also in His perfect judgment and His ability to fulfill and finish what He started. In the beginning God made a good and perfect world, He will restore it. By His victory Jesus is already our King. In the end we will see that Jesus Christ is truly King of Kings for all of time and eternity. Are you ready to celebrate?
In God's Care. Worship: November 13, 2022
As the end of the Church Year draws near, we take heart that God will finish what He started. God has promised to orchestrate the events that shape history to a good end. Throughout the church year we celebrate that God himself appeared and Jesus won our salvation. In these last days of the church year we hear Jesus tell us that hard things may come but God is completing the fulfillment of His Word and promise. We can live in trust: “Stand up,” He says, “and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near.” We are in God’s care.
THIS WEEKS AUDIO IS REPOSTED FROM November 14, 2021 Worship.
Jesus, the man who is God, and the God who is man speaks with authority and wisdom. He is the truest and most trustworthy of prophets. He knows what to tell us about the future and what not to tell us. Jesus, the Son of the Living God can the see the whole of the future. He can see us standing firm in the faith and hope. He can see God saving us from the hardest and most impossible things. He can see us celebrating with him the complete revealing of God’s Glory.
Saints by God's Grace. Worship: November 6, 2022
Who is a “Saint”? We use the word “saint” to talk about disciples, martyrs, and leaders of the Church throughout history. We use the word next to names from the pages of Scripture such as Peter, John, and Paul—the type of people we name churches after. On All Saints’ Day we use the word “Saint” as we remember those departed from us who are now with God in heaven. But most amazing of all is that God considers our lives holy and set apart because of Jesus’ sacrifice of His holiness for us. By His victory we are Saints by grace.
This week’s Audio Service is a rebroadcast from October 31, 2021. Please enjoy.
The word “Saint” is a pretty big word. We use it to talk about disciples, martyrs, and leaders of the Church throughout history. We use the word next to names from the pages of Scripture such as Peter, John, and Paul—the type of people we name churches after. On All Saints’ Day we use the word “Saint” as we remember those departed from us who are now with God in heaven. But most amazing of all is that God considers our lives holy and set apart because of Jesus’ sacrifice of His holiness for us. By His victory we are Saints by grace.
A Mighty Fortress is Our God. Worship: October 30, 2022
The Reformation is a celebration of Jesus Christ. Five hundred years ago Martin Luther found hidden light in the Word of God. He found a real reason to hope in Jesus Christ alone. Even though we all sin and fall short of the glory of God, we are welcomed into the sanctuary and refuge of God’s grace and love in Jesus. God is good!
This week’s audio service is a rebroadcast from 10/31/2021
The Kingdom of God Belongs to Such as These. Worship: October 23, 2022
Jesus sees something universally beautiful in the innocence of children. Children are entirely dependent on their caregivers. Jesus describes this simple need to be the most important characteristic of all who will receive the Kingdom of God. His blessings are infinite and eternal for us as we trust in Him.
REPOST: God Cares for His Family, September 19 Worship
God cares for us His family. Jesus wants all of us to feel as cared for as a nurtured child. In our lesson from Proverbs we are given the image of a woman and her family who are thriving because they have noble character built by the grace of God. The Apostle James challenges us to be humble before our God. In this way we will be richly blessed and can live noble lives in the family of our great God and Father.
Confident Before God. Worship: October 16, 2022
We can be confident that God is ultimately just and good. Jacob wrestled with an angelic messenger who finally blesses him. Jesus tells us a story about a woman who persistently petitions an unjust judge until he finally grants her justice. Our loving Father always hears our prayers. Though His answers may not always be what we want or expect we can forever be confident that God is always good.
There is a mystery at the center of everything, and God gives us the sight to see it. Like the blind man that Jesus heals, when the eyes of our spirit open we see Jesus. The great secret is revealed: Jesus is Lord of heaven and earth.
A Grateful Heart. Worship: October 9, 2022
God is faithful to His promises. His goodness and mercy are constant. Yet it is easy to miss this or lose sight of God’s goodness amidst the complexities of our lives. The blessing of a grateful heart is the best of things we could ever receive. In our reading of God’s Word we hear about the gratitude of Ruth when she finds a place that feels like home amidst people who are not her own. In our Gospel lesson Jesus heals ten men but only one of them returns to express his gratitude. In our epistle lesson Paul reminds his friend Timothy that we can build and rebuild a grateful heart by “remembering Christ Jesus raised from the dead.” Through Christ we can find our way to God with a grateful heart.
Note: This week’s Audio Service is a Repost from October 2021.
All Things are Possible for God, Worship: October 17, 2021
Jesus points out that living in a broken world we will often use the word “never.” By our own strength, many things we can imagine are not possible. But Jesus says, “All things are possible with God.” This means we can live in hope. With God the possibilities are infinite and eternal. What does that mean in your life?