Aimee Munson Aimee Munson

With Wonder upon Wonder. Worship: August 25, 2024 

Illustration: Robert McCloskey “Time of Wonder"

One of the saddest things in life is when we lose our sense of wonder—when we can no longer behold the beauty of God’s creation and be moved by it or when we take for granted the mystery of our salvation by the blood of the Lamb. The prophet Isaiah promises the restoration of wonder and the Spirit fulfills that promise with faith that trusts in what we have not seen. Today we ask the Lord to fill us with awe as we receive the inheritance of the saints who went before and add to it the witness of our age of the joy of salvation to bequeath to those who come after. 

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Aimee Munson Aimee Munson

You Have the Words of Eternal Life. Worship: August 18, 2024 

Our Lord has argued with His enemies and insists that His flesh is real food and His blood real drink. Even the truth can sometimes be unsettling. The disciples are not sure what to make of it all and watched as many of His followers abandoned Jesus. Peter speaks what is on all our hearts. The way of faith in Christ is not easy, but what choice do we have? Where else is the One who keeps His promises and delivers what He says? Christ alone is the Word of eternal life. 

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Aimee Munson Aimee Munson

I Am the Living Bread. Worship: August 11, 2024 

Many grumbled when Jesus said, “I am the bread of life” (John 6:35). Perhaps we grumble as well. We are always looking for God to meet our expectations and to answer our needs as we see best. But we meet the Lord where He reveals Himself—from a manger that cradles the Son of God in flesh and blood to a cross on which the King dies to free His people from their sin, down to bread that promises His flesh and a cup, His blood. Where we will meet Him on the ground of faith, He will not leave us wanting. He will bestow upon us far more than we ask or dare to desire—the communion of His body and blood for the forgiveness of our sins and as pledge of the eternal life to come. What a blessed mystery is given to us by faith. 

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Aimee Munson Aimee Munson

Wondrous Works and Ways. Worship: August 4, 2024 

An interesting list of seven publicized in recent years is that of “The Seven Natural Wonders of the World.” Six of these wonderful parts of God’s amazing creation are specific to a certain location: Mount Everest in Nepal, the Great Barrier Reef of Australia, the Harbor of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, Victoria Falls between Zambia and Zimbabwe, Mount Paricutin in Mexico, and the Grand Canyon in the United States. The seventh natural wonder on the list is the aurora borealis (or northern lights), which can be seen in many countries in the northern hemisphere of the globe, including Canada, Russia, Iceland, Norway, and the United States. Whether we live near any of these seven special natural wonders or not, the beauty of God’s handiwork surrounds us in every place. Many centuries ago, the inspired psalmist wrote, “Great are the works of the LORD, studied by all who delight in them” (Psalm 111:2). From colorful rainbows to delicate snowflakes to lofty mountain peaks, “full of splendor and majesty is His work” (Psalm 111:3a). May we be inspired by it as well! 

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Aimee Munson Aimee Munson

Steadfast Love Forever. Worship: July 28, 2024 

Photo Credit: Aimee Munson, 2024. Tablelands are of Gros Morne Provincial Park, Newfoundland, Canada.

Lutheran Service Book: Concordance contains an alphabetical listing of key words in the texts of the hymnal. Although it might seem to be structured for church professionals choosing hymns for services, it has value for all people in the church. Paging through the book, it is easy to discover what words are frequently repeated in hymns—words that are important to singers of Christian songs. Among frequently repeated words are “eternal,” “forever,” “everlasting,” “endless,” “eternally,” and “eternity.” There is no time limit to the relationship God has with His faithful people. This makes it easy for us to begin a hymn by singing confidently “Thine forever, God of love” (LSB 687:1) or to conclude a hymn with the words that affirm what God in steadfast love has done for us: “You had mercy so that we might be saved eternally” (LSB 559:5). God is with us through time and beyond it as well—a great reason for us to rejoice endlessly! 

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Aimee Munson Aimee Munson

Goodness and Mercy. Worship: July 21, 2024 

In 1969, a pop song titled “Love (Can Make You Happy)” was recorded by a group of vocalists called Mercy. Although it rose toward the top of the national music charts, it became another in a long line of “one hit wonders”—single hits by groups that were never heard from again after their initial successful number. Fame in the musical world can be fleeting. Reading through the Psalms, we are reminded that our gracious God is with us for the distance of our life and beyond, attending to us with His great goodness and limitless mercy. Two of those reassuring verses are these: “For the LORD is good; His steadfast love endures forever” (Psalm 100:5) and “As for You, O LORD, You will not restrain Your mercy from me; Your steadfast love and Your faithfulness will ever preserve me!” (Psalm 40:11). By His grace, we can sing of the mercy of our God forever! 

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Aimee Munson Aimee Munson

A Lasting Inheritance. Worship: July 14, 2024 

The Eternal Father’s blessing surrounded by a glory of angels. 1475 / 1500 (4th quarter of the 15th century) France Champagne. Place of origin: Saint-Jean-Baptiste basilica

We are often reminded things in this life don’t last. This includes everything from material things and earthly goods to health and well-being as age increases, to relationships we treasure, and ultimately mortality, which leads to death. Yet just as things in this life are temporary, with joy we are pointed frequently to what is everlasting. Adopted as God’s own children, we are given an eternal inheritance through the work of Jesus Christ. Amid the temporary things of a broken and sinful world, we keep our focus on Christ and the eternal blessings assured “to the praise of His glorious grace” (Ephesians 1:6). 

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Aimee Munson Aimee Munson

Your Congregation Is Wonderful! Worship: July 7, 2024 

Cover image: The Burning Tree: Tree on Fire. Doely, Noah 2004 Chromogenic print

What a joy it is to gather as God’s people! In this collection of people we know as a congregation, we are called, gathered, and enlightened by the Holy Spirit. In this collection of people we call a church, we are reminded the one holy Christian Church will be and remain forever. This is “the congregation of saints . . . in which the Gospel is purely taught and the Sacraments are correctly administered” (Augsburg Confession, Article VII, paragraph 1). As we remain steadfast in our witness to our neighbors to also gather with us in the truth of God’s Word centered on our Savior, Jesus Christ, we are reminded in the Gospel today there will always be those who despise the Word as even Jesus faced rejection in His own hometown. We continue to pray for softened hearts of others in this world, and we remain firm in the foundation of our faith served in both Word and Sacrament within this place.  

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Aimee Munson Aimee Munson

Waiting on the Lord. Worship: June 30, 2024 

There’s an old English proverb which states, “Good things come to those who wait.” Though a nice thought, there is no certainty of the saying coming to fruition. The Word of God, however, is always true, especially as we hear the Old Testament Reading from Lamentations: “The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD” (3:25–26). Even as we hear in today’s Gospel from Mark, people waited in affliction and grief, as Jesus would heal a woman’s twelve-year ailment and raise the dead daughter of a synagogue ruler. Though our waiting on the Lord may not result in a miracle in this earthly life, in our greatest wait we are assured of what is sure to come to fruition as we, “wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD” (Lamentations 3:26). 

Guest Pastor: Rev Stadler

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Aimee Munson Aimee Munson

Questions to Live (and Suffer) By. Worship: June 23, 2024 

For all of the Bible’s reassurances of how much God loves us, cares for us, protects and guides us, it is, nevertheless, of our fallen, sinful nature that we still at times harbor doubts and even despairingly want to argue with God Himself and question His love and promises. The undying question is “Why?” The troubles, setbacks, trials, tragedies, and reverses in life do that. The Word before us today describes those times with the imagery of the destructive power of raging water and the greater power of God to deliver from threatening distress. Even when threatened with a raging flood, we are reminded that our help is still in the God who created everything. The trials of the otherwise “blameless and upright” man of God named Job (1:1) and the Lord’s patient yet commanding love in His answer to Job’s complaint should remind us to live our faith in daily repentance yet always still in praise of our saving God. 

Guest Pastor: Rev Stadler

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